Legal advice


In accordance with that established in art. 10 of Law 34/2002 of the 11th July of Services of the Information Society and E-Commerce, we notify that is a domain, the owner of which is the company TEXIA GUASCH GROUP S.L. (herein TEXIA), with tax number B-67154757, with company offices in Polígono Industrial El Mas s/n Monistrol de Montserrat (08691), Barcelona, Spain; and its contact mail is

It is inscribed in the Company Register of Barcelona in Volume 5343, Dossier 163, Sheet 57896, Inscription 1.


TEXIA is an entity dedicated to the dyeing, printing and finishing of textiles, as well as the manufacture and sale of textile products.

The use of this website will be governed by these Conditions of Use, including those contents and services made available to the users. It is for this reason that we urge you read carefully these conditions since they contain all the information relating to your rights and obligations.

Just by accessing the website you will be considered a “user” and as such it is understood that you expressly, automatically and voluntarily accept all the general conditions in force at all times when accessing it. TEXIA exclusively reserves the right to amend at any time these Conditions of Use whether for legal reasons by its own decision, promising to publish or notify those modifications introduced and understanding their acceptance if the user continues using the service.

Sometimes, deriving from the inclusion of new contents and/or specific services offered in the website, these conditions could be completed or replaced by Specific Conditions. In the case that there is any type of contradiction between them, the specific conditions will prevail.

In the same way, TEXIA reserves the right to modify unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the structure and design of the website, modify or eliminate services or contents as well as its conditions of use.


During the use of this website the user promises not to contravene the legislation in force, good faith, the generally accepted uses and public order. For this reason, it is prohibited to use the website for illicit, deceitful, malicious or harmful purposes for TEXIA or third parties.

The use must be appropriate and correct, so that the user promises not to undertake any behaviour that could damage the image, disable or overload the website or impede, in any way, its normal use. At the same time, they must abstain from trying to access, use and/or manipulate the data of TEXIA.

For those contents and/or services that may require providing data of a personal nature by the user, they promise to supply true information when filling it out. In this sense, the user will be the only person responsible for the inexact or false statements that may be made and those injuries that may caused to TEXIA or third parties arising from this information.

TEXIA adopts the reasonably appropriate security measures to detect the existence of virus. Nevertheless, the user must be aware that the security measures of the informatics systems on the Internet are not completely reliable, and therefore TEXIA cannot guarantee the inexistence of virus or other elements that may produce alterations in the informatics systems (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files of the user.

The user is urged to abstain introducing or spreading on the web computer virus or any other physical or logical systems that are susceptible to causing damage to the physical or logical systems of TEXIA or third parties.

Finally, TEXIA reserves the right to block access to a user before any indication of fraudulent use of the services offered, as well as undertaking the legal actions necessary in defence of its interests or temporarily suspend, and without previous notice, accessibility to for reasons of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement.


The contents that are shown in and especially the designs, texts, images or photographs, graphs, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, brands or any other sign susceptible to use commercially or industrially, are subject to the legislation in matters of intellectual or industrial property and are the property of TEXIA or those third holding parties that have their inclusion in the website duly authorized.

Under no circumstance will it be understood that any license or renouncement, transmission, total or partial transfer of these rights or concession of right or expectation of right, and particularly, of alteration, use, reproduction, distribution or public communication of these contents be granted without the express prior authorization of TEXIA or of the corresponding owners.

On the other hand, through these conclusions the user is obliged not to reproduce in any way the website, or any of its contents, without the express authorization of TEXIA.

Nevertheless, the user is awarded a limited right, revocable and not exclusive, to create links only to the main page of the website for private and not commercial use (hyperlink/backlink). Those websites that include a link to our website:

  • Cannot make it understood that TEXIA recommends that website or its services or products or falsify its relation with TEXIA.
  • They must not include contents considered as bad taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, that incites violence or discrimination due to sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or illicit.
  • It must link with the website itself, without allowing that this site reproduces it as part of its web or within one of its frames or create a browser about any of its website pages. TEXIA may request, at any time, that any link to the website be eliminated, after which its elimination must be carried out immediately.

TEXIA cannot control the information, contents, products or services supplied by other websites that have links established that lead to the website. For this reason, we are not responsible for any aspect relating to these websites.

TEXIA authorises the establishment of links to the web from any other web without the prior and express consent of TEXIA.


TEXIA is not responsible for the deficiencies in the service of its server centre, nor of the communication networks, nor of the problems resulting from the poor functioning or use of out-of-date versions of any type of browser. Moreover, TEXIA will not be responsible in the case of being unable to provide the service due to prolonged interruptions of the electrical supply, communication lines, social conflicts, strikes, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all the cases of force majeure or of chance.

Both access to the website and the use that may be made of the information contained within it is the exclusive responsibility of whoever does it.

TEXIA will not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may derive from this access or use of the information, and will only be responsible for eliminating, as soon as possible, the contents that may generate some type of damage or prejudice, on the condition that the Company is notified or is clearly aware of it.

TEXIA is not responsible for the possible errors of security that may occur to the user’s informatics system, files or documents stored in it, as a consequence of the presence of virus in the computer of the user employed for the connection to the services and contents of the website, of the poor functioning of the browser or use of out-of-date versions of it, of telephonic breakdowns, interferences, omissions or disconnections in the operative functioning of the electronic system caused by events not connected to TEXIA.


These General Conditions of Use will be governed by Spanish legislation and, in particular, the legislation in matters of protection of data of a personal nature (Constitutional Law 15/1999, of the 13th December, of Protection of Data of a Personal Nature and the General European Data Protection Regulation) and the legislation in matters of services of the information society (Law 34/2002, of the 11th July, of services of the information society and e-commerce). Any conflict will be resolved in the courts of Barcelona.